
Smells, Sounds, Feelings and Sights That Indicate Your Power Steering Fluid Is Leaking


Without the right levels of fluid, your power steering won't work correctly, and if it stops working correctly whilst you are in the middle of driving, it could cause an accident. Because of that, it's important to know the signs of low power steering fluid. Let your sense guide you. Smells If you see spots of fluid on the ground underneath where your vehicle has been parked, that is a sign that something is leaking.

5 April 2017

Car Problems That May Be Surprisingly Cheap and Easy to Repair


When your car is acting up in any way, you might dread the idea of taking it to a shop, as of course no car owner wants to face a steep repair bill. However, some problems with your car may be cheaper and easier to repair than you might assume; putting off these car repairs can then be a mistake, as they may just get worse and much more expensive over time.

30 March 2017

What Those Odd Sounds From Your Car Might Mean


When your car needs repairs, you might notice odd sounds from under the hood before you notice anything else. You don't want to ignore these sounds, as they may simply indicate a minor repair that needs to be addressed; if not fixed as soon as possible, that minor repair could become something major and expensive. Your car could even give out when on the road, leaving you stranded. Note a few clues as to what those odd sounds from your car might mean.

30 March 2017

Troubleshooting Tips for What's Going On Under the Hood


When your car doesn't ride as smooth as it should or you notice odd odours or other telltale signs of trouble under the hood, you don't want to put off getting repairs. Something minor can easily become a major problem, and you could also suffer a breakdown while on the road. Note a few troubleshooting tips for figuring out what's going on under the hood when your car starts to act up.

29 March 2017

Diagnosing Your Car's Differential Noises


The differential is an essential system on the drivetrain of your vehicle that ensures smooth turning of the car. Car differential repairs are generally rare because differentials are often designed to last the entire service life of your car. However, this doesn't mean your differential is damage-proof. Your differential may start showing signs of failure, especially when your car is of high mileage. Usually, noises are the main signs of a failing differential.

24 March 2017

You Found A What In Your Engine? A Radiator Checklist For After You've Removed The Snake


A Zimbabwe family got quite a shock when the cause of their car engine problems turned out to be a python. While this particular story may make you shudder, there are plenty of other similar stories where this type of event has happened in Australia, and it's enough to make you never want to open your bonnet ever again! At this time of year, snakes are on the move while looking for somewhere warm to hide out while the temperatures start to drop.

18 March 2016